The Philippine Association of Law Schools is an association of all law schools in the Philippines. It is a primary driving force to uplift the standards of legal education in the Philippines to meet the global standards of excellence.
It is the representative of the law schools in the country in dialogues and legal education summits between the law schools, deans, and students, on the one hand, and the Legal Education Board and/or the Supreme Court of the Philippines, on the other hand, on various matters concerning the legal education in the Philippines and the Bar examinations.
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The International Association of Law Schools (“IALS”) is a private, non-political, non-profit association of more than 160 law schools and departments from over 55 countries representing more than 7,500 law faculty members, dedicated to serving the worldwide legal education community.
The primary mission of IALS is the improvement of legal education throughout the world.
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The International Union for Conservation of Nature Academy of Environmental Law (the “Academy”) is an international network of approximately 200 environmental law faculties and research centers from 60 countries. It is uniquely positioned in building environmental law education capacity and promoting the conceptual development of environmental law.
The Academy promotes environmental legal education as a vital contributor to the rule of law and the development of environmental governance for sustainable development. Member institutions of the Academy participate in an annual colloquium of members to discuss important issues of the environment and seek solutions from various experts, lawyers, and members of the Bench from all over the world.
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