UC Law mooting team wins in international moot court competition Southeast Asian regional rounds
The UC School of Law Mooting Team produced another 4-0 clean sweep in the preliminary rounds, bagged the Best Overall Memorial award, and ranked Third overall in the 26th Annual Stetson International Environmental Moot Court Competition Southeast Asian Regional Rounds held virtually last January 24-28, 2022. The team also qualified for, and will be representing Southeast Asia in, the International Rounds to be held at Stetson University College of Law in Gulfport, Florida in April 2022.
This year’s UC Law Mooting Team for Stetson is composed of Golda Marie Lim (3L), Michaela Portarcos (2L), and Kathleen Marie Omaña (2L). Their coaches and adviser are Atty. Rose Liza Eisma-Osorio, Atty. Lievj Raoni Alimangohan, and Atty. Kristine Joy Argallon.
At UC Law, we help our students develop global competence and provide them with opportunities that will also prepare them for global law practice in the future.
Congratulations, UC Law Stetson Team! 💙💛